Unmasking the Inner Critic: From Self-Deception to Embracing Your Heart’s Desire

Life and death. Death and life. Life looks like death for the soul and heart that does not listen to the truth in the heart and soul to do better and be better more than it was and could have been from yesterday. Is that not right? What is not right? Do you not know.…

Life and death. Death and life. Life looks like death for the soul and heart that does not listen to the truth in the heart and soul to do better and be better more than it was and could have been from yesterday.

Is that not right? What is not right? Do you not know. Do you always require for someone else to own and take the fall and blame for your own decisions and truths you’ve made within your own heart?

Stand up and fight for yourself in your heart and in your soul to want to do better and be better not for force of a greater good, not for the force of religion that says you must, but more for your own sacred soul and heart within yourself in the quiet of your heart away from your minds chaotic thoughts and chatter, but within your own quiet heart that you try hard not to seek your own intelligent truth that is screaming hard to be heard by you and only you.

Blame not others for their distracting or distraction ways for it is yourself that chooses to not only be distracted but to soosh or quiet your tampered heart.

Yes. That’s right tampered. You’ve tampered with it by training it now to tell you lies like your mind does. Your heart doesn’t lie no matter how much you want it to.

You’re only making excuses for fear of what it means to have to do what you know in the quiet of your own heart that you need to do.

Harm not others in your own quest to listen to your own heart. For fake followers of the heart cannot help but hurt others in the process to the path of their own supposed greatness.

Great is not the one who cannot admit the truth to their own hearts of what they do not want to suffer any longer.

Time to set your heart free. Time to get to work and let your own soul dictate what manner of hu-man you decide to be whether anyone is watching or nay.

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