A body cries out for help when it is in a dis-eased state of non appreciation of all the work it takes to get your mind out of the gutter of your own miserable thoughts so that you have enough brainpower left to power the rest of your thoughts needed to run this oh so magnificent body of yours.
Such is the lack of appreciation for the powerful body of yours that there is such an innate belief that it will all heal by itself no matter what junk you put into your system because someway or somehow ‘it’ will all just somehow miraculously fix itself.
Whereas what you do not realise is that you’re not the only one that believes in the higher might and capabilities of their own bodies but some do not actually take the time to abuse it because they believe in so much of its own brilliance or magnificence.
One needs to slow down and take stock. If one believes that they are a magnificent being with a magnificiant body therefore they have every right to get away with abusing it…what does that say in their own way of how they think they should be treating other people or beings that they too believe are magnificent specimens of human beings.
What you do or think, nay believe of yourself is what you will do or think or believe to others. There’s only so much the mind and body can take to process so much information and it’s far easier to handle an automation of sorts.
So be careful as you judge your own body with fallacies and beliefs that drugs cannot affect your body of temple no matter what, as it has a natural ability to heal.
Sure. Once or twice. But after awhile of repetitive training, you have instructed yourself with the belief that it is somehow okay or alright to abuse one self just because you believe you are truly great.
What a reverse mind f*#% that we have instructed ourselves. Which in essence is a destruction of our core sense of self and a makeup of our own DNA of what is truly amazing.
We all have a choice as to how we are to treat one self. Just think on it. Just because you are amazing or magnificent does that give you the right to abuse yourself in any way shape or form? Just a food for your “thoughtful” body.
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