Marriages will soon be abolished in the state or trajectory that it is heading in with more marriages being used for almagamation of resources, convenience, for blame and lack of accountability of the other, for reasons to own properties not in one’s name but as a scapegoat for law enforcements escape from retribution.
With more and more people and beings awakening to the fact that they do not know how to love oneself much less another, and upon seeing the destruction and traumatic stresses it causes the procreated children of such a union…it is becoming more and more evident that marriages are more of an escape of doing the real self work to not pass blame onto another or the other spouse.
People or beings are said to hate or loathe being alone and yet their own actions and inability to truly understand or empathise with another in marriage makes for it an inevitable outcome for more to walk alone as opposed to putting the load on the other party in said marriage to hold the reins and hold the falling apart ship or carriage together.
Much is needed for self accountability and work on self before we are able to truly respect the sanctity and boundaries of the other being who deserves just as much love and respect as we do.
Gone are the old templates of obligation that supposedly holds a marriage together. As more and more people or beings awaken and realise that there is much to be present to fix and heal of themselves, the less they will be willing to infect another person and call it a loving marriage anymore.
For those that continue to stay together given such freedoms now of society to no longer have to stay together shall be driven by a much deeper quest to shed themselves of their own work of keeping the egos intact. And in fact will work on another level to truly be free of one’s ego finally for the true love of the self and of the other.
Only when there is truly one love without the polarities of love and hate in the relationship shall said marriage exist and truly thrive.
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