Rub the side of your index finger and the translucent screen will pop up or appear with a notification or alert as if your finger is now the face of your Apple smart watch.
The skin is a complex organ untapped in its surface to be able to generate or propose intel onto its surface. We are all transmitting information all the time to one another.
Our skin is one of the largest surfaces on our body that is intelligent and untapped in the use of open source technology.
There are already companies out there aside from generating robotics that is actively using our skin and trying to enhance its own “robotic” and technological advancements for all of “mankind” /“humankind”. True or false.
Whether or not it’s true or false. Does not matter.
What matters is, would you be on board with such an advancement much like a tattoo on your body, or would you much rather your skin stays as the skin you are familiar with and why?
Leave a thought. Thank you for sharing
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