When you start to hyperventilate throughout the fearful thoughts that are playing out and engulfing your mind.
Take a deep breath, and have a look at the closest thing next to you. And really have a look. At its detail, colour, shape. If it has screws on it, take a good look if it’s shiny, or rusty. Anything you notice about it.
And then you’ll find that the thoughts have had a chance to flow or coast through uninterrupted by you whilst you were busy doing your own thing and getting on with your own life too.
Conclude one thing: your thoughts are not you.
Think on it this way:
Your photo albums in your phone are not you too. They are photos of you when you were there at the time, but the photos itself as you’re looking back on them aren’t you.
And neither are those thoughts you keep on picking up and looking at. They are essentially photos of what you once were but not anymore. You’re here now. So take a good look around you right here, right now.
Take a photo in your mind. Because then that photo in your mind is now no longer you too.
Get or take note of that difference: That ability will abolish any insanity and difficulty when life seemingly gets too hard.
Just imagine the visual of you literally swimming in all your past photos of yourself. And realise or recognise you just need to be here in the present. To take new photos new memories. To store away in your mind. Not take new photos of you looking at old photos of you and not moving forward arrested in your own memories of your past.
That’s not a way to live for the Holy Spirit of your beautiful heart. Let it all go. Keep it just in your “albums” of your heart, but just remember to live and create new ones.
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